The Wrun Wrevisted: Part 1.
I have not exactly covered myself in glory these last two days. Yesterday, as is ever the case, I was full of good intentions, but lacking in motivation; although I did manage a 15 mile detour on the way home to buy some Waitrose faggots. Have you tried them? By god, they are good, If I end up on death row, I want them for my last meal. The detour, by the way, was taken in a car, I didn't run it, just in case you were wondering.
Anyway, it had been a long, hard, gruelling day and I was in the mood for a run. But, dear me, it was raining! And the Mrs was going out, so I had to look after the little 'uns! There is a bit of a difference here between now and the last time…………last time I had at least gone out a couple of times before apathy set in. I was a bit disappointed in myself.
However, there is a difference between then and now, then, I didn't have wii fit, now, I do, so I got the nipper to set the thing up for me and got to work. It is rather a rude gadget, it called me obese and repeatedly accused me of being a couch potato. It informed me that I had a BMI of 33, but my wii fit age was only 32. This suggests to me that the thing is a charlatan. Nevertheless, instead of going out all wrapped up against the elements I jogged around the living room in my pants, 3 times and did some strength and aerobic exercises. I am shit hot a hula hoops but crap at press ups.
I ended up doing about 40 minutes of activity which I wouldn't otherwise have done and I ache as I type, so there may have been some value in it…………must try harder though, much harder.
People keep telling me that the more I do the easier it will get and I will start to enjoy it. I don't belive it, I see only suffering and humiliation ahead………..all the more reason to help motivate me by digging deep! Thanks very much by the way Bob, very generous.
It's not all wrunning and self sacrifice mind, there is still football and politics. George Osborne claimed more money than he was entitled to, the tory twat. He claims it was a mistake; that top education of his wasn't up to much, was it and if he can't get a simple thing like his expenses right, how can we trust the chinless twerp with the nations finances?
FA Cup day tomorrow, we are away at Everton and I am filled with complete indifference, There was was a time when FA Cup days were the most anticipated days of the season. No more.
It's hard to believe that Rod Liddle used to edit The Today programme. He is intent on being the baddest middle class boy in the suburbs, his contributions to Millwall message boards are laughable, his racism less so, his natural constituency will love him even more, but the fact remains, he is a cunt, and if you don't believe me, believe the man himself.
Some good news. Spotiseek. Type in the name of a band you like and it will generate a playlist of similar artists. It is very, very good.
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