Sunday, November 10, 2002

I really like the Barefoot Doctor, I think he is a cool dude. I have tried all sorts of his techniques for various things and none of them work but I still like him; if I concentrated more they would probably work. The Observer has published a really long extract from his new book, but it doesn't seem to be available online. The Observer is always worth getting hold of anyway but this week it's worth a quid just for that.
His weekly articles are available.
Meditation techniques

This cat cracks me up.

I wonder what they would make of the Barefoot Doctor at The Sceptics Dictionary.

The mystery of time and space is brilliant, but liable to send you loopy.

The world of dancing cats

From 1995 to earlier this year, Paul Grivas took a disposable plastic camera with him everywhere he went, and he went to a lot of places. The results are astonishing.

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