Friday, July 12, 2002

More photos from todays stage. Another sprint finish with Zabel winning. David Millar has now crashed 3 times in two days. Just thought I'd mention it.

I have had to work uncharacteristically hard and uncharacterestically late this last couple of days. It has taught me that even if I don't spend hours every night posting cobblers all over the web, the sun will still rise the following day.
Pearls before Swine. I am astonishingly bad at this game.

The Guardian the other day mentioned the newish BBC radio player. I log into it before anything else now and have been doing for a couple of weeks. It plays archived programmes across channels and genres for the previous seven days. I am listening to Wednesdays "Late Junction" as I type. It is a godsend for those of us who live up mountains and can barely recieve F.M, particularly in summer. Go here and click the link on the top right of the screen. Real Player required.

Every day PLEP finds brilliant link after brilliant link. I love this photographic history of Chinatown in New York.

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